- Guest speaker Michel Chikwanine
What a way to start the summer! We couldn’t have asked for a more amazing week to kick off Stella Puella’s 5th year!
The campers chose child rights as the theme of the week, so they learned about what rights are and some situations where those rights are taken away from some children. The girls’ eyes were opened to the unfair realities of thousands of kids around the world when they learned about child labour and child soldiers.
Highlights of the week included our musical guest Carolyn McKenna and special guest Theresa Randles from Grandmothers of Steel. The campers organized a stellar bake sale at Flyers Cafe, where they sold fair trade baked goods with the proceeds going towards Free the Children’s alternative income projects.
Possibly the most exciting event of the session was a surprise guest speaker at the end of the week. Michel Chikwanine, a former child soldier from the DRC, shared his heart-breaking yet inspiring story with the girls. What an incredible experience that was for our campers to hear first-hand how the rights of children around the world are taken away!
A big thanks to our campers this week for making it such a successful start to the summer! We miss you already!
Love, Yasmin, Mina & Julia