

“Age appropriate approach to global issues was a great experience- broadened her knowledge and stimulated questions.” – CSP Parent

“Fabulous camp to show girls their self worth and to build their self-esteem.” – CSP Parent

“Amazing! You make her see the importance and effect of the world around her and how she can impact it and how important and special she is. Life Changing! You inspire me as a parent to want to raise a girl as wonderful as all of you! Thanks!”- CSP Parent

“An excellent program! We look forward to participating again next year!”      – CSP Parent

“This is the first time my daughter has been excited about being part of an activitiy.” – CSP Parent

“Our girls learn and grow in a positive direction. Social awareness programming is excellent.” – CSP Parent

“My daughter thoroughly enjoyed her week at Stella Puella and is already looking forward to next year.”- CSP Parent

“Although my daughter is younger, she has still come away with positive messages and great memories. Thanks for being such amazing role models for the young ladies”              – CSP Parent

“Fabulous to have a place to teach girls self-esteem and community.”-CSP Parent

“My girls have grown up with CSP. Each year they have come back from camp having learned something new about the world, with more compassion toward other people and happier than when they started. It has been a blessing that CSP is located in our small town and that the leaders have been able to positively touch so many young girls’ lives.”   – CSP Parent

“Camp Stella Puella has made me a better me. We learn at workshops about things that people are having to deal with around the world. Things that we didn’t know were an issue before, like refugees, Indigenous Women’s rights, child slavery, protecting our water and fair trade food. Not only do we have serious talks at our workshops we also have lots of fun activities like kayaking, a talent show, knowledgable games, electives and volunteering. Camp Stella Puella has evening girl talks where we talk about stereotypes, photoshopping magazine covers, bullying and how we are perfect just the way we are. At breakfast, lunch and dinner each cabin group can challenge the camp to different meals. Hippie dinners are always fun or inspirations dinners where you dress up like people who inspire you and Halloween meals. Camp Stella Puella is an amazing place for girls to grow and learn. Every year Camp Stella Puella surprises me with a spectacular week.”                                         – CSP Overnight Camper 2015

“Before I went to camp I never knew where my food and clothes came from or who was respected and who was not. Over the past three years at CSP, ‎I have learned that lots of soccer balls, other equipment, and clothes are made by children in factories in different countries. And also in different countries –  women’s rights are different than men’s – which is not right, as everyone is equal, and deserves to be treated the same. I have learned to read labels on everything we buy, and to look for fair trade items. I also learned about supporting local businesses and farmers, and how beneficial organic products are to everyone and the environment. I learned that I can make a difference, I learned how to use my voice, and I learned how to make friends that I will hopefully have forever.”                    – CSP Overnight Camper 2015

“CSP has provided me with the opportunity to learn and explore different global issues each year. Going to CSP also allows me the opportunity to meet girls of different ages from different cities and schools who have become my friends and who I look forward to seeing each year.  I especially enjoy the various volunteer experiences that are available to the CSP girls, my favourite by far is spending time with the residents at the Seniors home.” – CSP Overnight Camper 2015

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